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           Jim Wood started his teaching career as a sixth grade teacher in Rome, NY. He served as secretary and president of the Rome Teachers Association and was a founding member of the NYSUT Board of Directors in 1973 when NYSUT was first formed through a merger.
          Jim served for 13 years as assistant to former NYSUT President Tom Hobart, and he served as NYSUT’s executive   director of field and legal services for 15 years. 
  Jim is a founding member of the National Healthy Schools Network and past president       of   the board of the New York State Labor-Religion Coalition.
            He also served as president of the New York State Alliance for Retired Americans. He has worked endlessly and tirelessly for retirees in New York State and helped build new ARA chapters throughout the country.
           On a personal note, I first became acquainted with Jim when I was in my 20’s and was elected president of the Mohawk Teachers Association. I always felt that Jim embodied all that a union leader should be… bright, innovative, caring, professional… someone who has a wonderful sense of humor and is good-natured…and most importantly, someone who was and is deeply respected.
           Jim is someone who has given his entire adult working life to us – when we were in service members and in later years when we were retired. It is my honor to present to you, Jim Wood, the recipient of this year’s RC 12’s Award of Excellence.
           On Jim’s behalf, and upon his recommendation, RC 12 will be making a donation to the Capital District Alliance for Retired Americans.  

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