NYSUT RC 12 Luncheon Meeting
Friday, October 1, 2010
At the Otesaga Resort Hotel, Cooperstown, NY
Join us for a general meeting with legislative updates
Welcome Jim Wood, David Keefe, and William Streck as our keynote speakers
Jim Wood, president of the NYS Alliance for Retired Americans, is a former Rome, NY, elementary teacher and a retired executive director of NYSUT. He will update us on Alliance activities and pending state and federal issues, such as threats to Social Security and Medicare.
David Keefe is the incumbent retired teacher-member of the NYS Teachers Retirement System Board of Trustees. He is seeking re-election to the Board and is endorsed by NYSUT. Keefe will report on the status of the system and its future. He taught in the Hempstead Public Schools.
Dr. William Streck, President and CEO of the Bassett Healthcare Network. He is a national leader in health care delivery. He will speak as a medical provider on health care reform and the Bassett Network.
10:00 AM Registration with coffee and tea: Otesaga Lobby.
10:30 – Noon General membership meeting and speaker: Ballroom.
12:15 – 1:15 Famous Otesaga full Buffet Luncheon served on the East Veranda,
weather permitting. Seating in the Ballroom.
1:15 – 2:00 Speaker: Ballroom.
Cost to you: $21.00 (RC 12 will be subsidizing $2.00 per guest.)
Name(s) _____________________________________________________________________
Please make your check out to NYSUT RC 12 and return by September 22 to:
Sandra Bliss, 2191 Cty Hwy 33, Cooperstown, NY 12236-4101. Phone: 315-725-0706 or e-mail Sandra Bliss sblissunion@yahoo.com.