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NYSUT RC 12 Regional Conference and Spring Luncheon Membership Meeting May 11, 2023

NYSUT RC 12 Regional Conference and Spring Luncheon Meeting May 11, 2023

The Terrace at Waters Edge, Glenville

Sheryl Baker Delano - NYSUT Retiree Services Consultant - opened the meeting at 9:15 stressing the NYSUT Union for Life.  Everyone in attendance received folders.  She stressed the idea to be nice to others to begin the festivities.

Capital District Regional Services Consultant - Mike Rowan

The emotional states of students following the pandemic were presented.  Unfortunately, social and emotional issues have spiked in all levels of public education. Reviewing school safety reports unveils the need for more counselors in all buildings.

Negotiations generally provide around 4% increases in three-to-five-year agreements.  However, there are more significant changes in health insurance.

In Florida, there is an attempt to weaken the public-school sector unions.  Legislators are taking away payroll deduction benefits for teachers.  The deductions are continuing to be allowed with police, fire departments and corrections.  Currently, around 60% of the teachers are union members.

We continue to honor National Certified Public Teachers.  He also shared Al Shanker's idea that if we don’t carry a strong political action, we will not count. 

NYSUT Vice President - Ron Gross

Ron shared that following the recent Representative Assembly we have a change in leadership in NYSUT.  Melinda Persons is now our new president, and Janice Sapone is our new vice-president.

He shared how health care professionals continue to fight for benefits.  We need to continue to respect teachers and continue to highlight successes.

Helping to fix Tier 6 pensions will be important in the fall.  Tier 4 provides 60% of a retiree’s salary at 30 years and 55 years of age.  Retirees in Tier 6 would have a 56% penalty if retiring prior to 63. NYSUT will be hearing the slogan Fix Tier 6.  Pension deduction and VOTE-COPE will help this focus.

NYSUT is now fighting against billionaires with regards to Charter Schools.

NYSUT Endorsed Elder Law Attorney - Steven Kramer Esq.

Several facts that members need to know about Elder Laws were shared. The message to not take staples out of our wills is important. Taking any staple out of a will voids the will. As a result of individuals who do not have wills, half of their estate would go to their significant other and half to their children.  It was suggested not to keep wills in safe deposit boxes in banks.

Members who want to benefit from the NYSUT legal plan, the cost is $50 a year. The best time to join this benefit is before getting sick.  This service helps to develop a health care proxy and living wills.  Anyone who already has a power of attorney needs to have it updated if it was developed before June 2021.


Jeanne Williams Bennett and Phyllis VanSteenburgh passed out ballots for members running for our Executive Board.  There were five positions available and five members who volunteered to run for these positions.  The winners were Maggie Bouck, Elaine Lounsbury-Browne, Maria S. Pacheco, Vickie McGowan Horan, Jennifer Shaad Derby.

Stacey Caruso-Sharpe took a moment to thank retiring Executive Board members Margaret Dafeldecker, Theresa Kovian, and Sue Proctor for helping RC 12 with their experience, strength, and suggestions as they leave directors positions on the RC 12 Executive Board.

President’s Report - Stacey Caruso-Sharpe

AFT will be hosting Town Halls on the telephone.  The first one will discuss whether to have an early endorsement for Joe Biden.

School Board Elections will be taking place on May 16.  Members are encouraged to vote for pro-education candidates.  Being aware of and limiting what we read could result in hurting ourselves and others.

Contributing to VOTE-COPE is encouraged.  Members are encouraged to have money deducted from pensions.  Supporting Tier 6 changes will help the future education systems.

Kathlene Lyman, Jeanne Williams Bennett, and Stacey Caruso–Sharpe attended the NYSUT Representative Assembly at the end of April.  Resolutions regarding Retiree Recognition Day, recognizing the Retiree Counsel, and recognizing specific retirees were approved.   For more information, go to the following link:

Vice-President’s Report - Kathlene Lyman

Dolores Talmadge, Sheryl Baker-Delano, and Kathlene are developing a way to connect with as many retirees as possible

Secretary’s Report - Cathy Picciocca

Minutes for the September meeting were distributed to all in attendance.  Margaret Dafeldecker made a motion to accept the minutes distributed and Kathlene Lyman second the motion to approve.  Motion was carried by attendees.

Treasurer’s Report - Dolores Talmadge

Reports were provided to everyone in attendance of the monthly balances and a workable fiscal budget.

April 19, 2023 - May 10, 2023

Business Checking Balance #12      $   173.67 Business Money Market Balance #12 $52,665.25

Social Checking #13 31,876.16 Social Money Market #3   13,537.65

Savings #1     178.24 Total   98,430.97

The Executive Board approved using money from the Business Money Market to be converted to CD’s was approved on May 8, 2023. 

Margaret Dafeldecker made a motion to approve the fiscal budget, and Maria Pacheco seconded this motion.  The motion was approved by the membership. 

Outlook Newsletter and Website -

Volunteers are needed to help our webmaster Carolyn Darkangelo to continue to provide updates.

ED 51 Meeting and NYSUT RA - Jeanne Williams Bennett

Jeanne reported that efforts will continue to fix Tier VI.  She shared that Tom DiNapoli is positive that the New York State Teachers’ Pension system is secure and there will never be a problem with our pensions while he’s the Comptroller of New York State.

Mario Cilento, President from New York State AFL-CIO, shared that teachers have an opportunity to unite our society because they have daily contact with students. He stated that education continues beyond grade K-12.  He shared the story of learning to dance the hustle in second grade. In doing so, he learned how to stay in sink with his partner, how to trust his partner, and learned to respect each other. 


Social Committee - Kathlene Lyman

Kathy asked for the hands of first-time attendees and three individuals were acknowledged.

Rambling on the Rails New Hampshire trip may have a $30 increase because only 28 individuals signed up to attend the trip.  It was planned for 35 people.  Room is still available for this June 5-9 adventure. 

The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Cincinnati is to be held October 2-7.  The commitment is for 30 attendees so the price may go up.

There are still ten seats available to see Funny Girl on Broadway August 16 for $170.  The bus drops us off close to the theater and restaurants. The price for the bus will be added when the total number of attendees is registered.

Tickets for New York, New York on October 18 are sold out.  

There will not be a trip to Glimmerglass this summer.  Wendy is looking into a fall trolley tour of Cooperstown.  Review the RC 12 website for more information.

StateWide Senior Action Council - Kathlene Lyman

The Convention will be held on September 11-13.  This organization is very up to date and continues to work on Medicare rights along with other senior issues.  There is currently one seat available on their board.

NYSARA - New York State Alliance for Retired Americans

The annual meeting and elections will be held at NYSUT Headquarters on May 18.  A report will be given at the fall meeting.

Ending Comments 

There is a 50th Anniversary book of NYSUT available for everyone to review. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Committee of 100, which advocates for legislation changes were encouraged to get involved.  Last, but not least, VOTE COPE fights for our rights.

Lunch and Alzheimer’s Association Presentation

A delicious lunch buffet was enjoyed by all who attended.  Following lunch, an informative presentation was provided by Marlene McCleary from the Alzheimer’s Association.  10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer pamphlet was distributed to all.  For more information, go to or call 800-272-3900 for 24 hour/7 days a week helpline.


Raffles were held by the Social Committee. Half of the proceeds went to the Alzheimer's Association. John Mazur orchestrated this activity.  Many flower arrangements were also raffled off for attendees to win.

Sheryl Baker Delano encouraged attendees to fill out the evaluation form and to keep in mind collaboration with our local retiree chapters.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Picciocca

RC 12 Secretary


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