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2023 RC 12 Board Meeting May 5

2023 May 8 RC 12 Emergency Board Meeting on ZOOM 5 PM

Present: Stacey Caruso Sharpe, Cathy Picciocca, Vicky McGowan-Horan, Kathlene Lyman, Dolores Talmadge

Prior to the meeting, Dolores sent out figures for CDs from the Empower Federal Credit Union in Palatine Bridge.  The attendees reviewed the document and tried to decide whether to take some of the funds from our $52,665.25 balance to place into a CD, to gain more interest.   

Dolores also brought to our attention that signers to the bank accounts have not been updated.  A second motion was made to update individuals responsible for our accounts. 

The group also brainstormed some general membership meeting decoration ideas.

Since we did not have a voting quorum, it was decided that Stacey would send two motions to the Executive Board for an electronic vote, to be returned in 24 hours.  The motions were as follows:

Motion 1: To invest $25,000 of the RC 12 money in a 24 month CD with a dividend rate of 4.5% and  an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.60% at the Empower Credit Union, Palatine Bridge, NY branch. Motion made by Cathy Picciocca and second by Vickie McGowan.

Motion: Carried

Motion 2: To update the signatures on the RC 12 account at Empower Credit Union, Palatine Bridge, NY branch. This would mean removing Sandra Bliss as signature and adding Stacey A. Caruso-Sharpe as a signature. Dolores Talmadge, Kathlene Lyman and Jeanne Williams-Bennett would remain as signatures. Motion made by Kathlene Lyman and 2nd by Vickie McGowan.

Motion: Carried

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Picciocca


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